The Unmasked

Title: The Unmasked

Type: Half Fictional and Half Documentary

Length: 12 minutes

Studio Name: Hollisophy Studio


This film is about the impact of the 2020 pandemic on the deaf people. When everyone wears a mask, what will happen to the deaf people who communicate with others by lip reading?

Cherry is a shy but optimistic young girl student studying at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Despite the hearing impairment, Cherry strives hard to adapt to a normal life. Her friend, Hollie, however, has yet to discover such a secret. Before the 2020 pandemic, Cherry relied heavily on lip reading in her daily life. Soon after the coronavirus outbreak, citizens in Hong Kong wear masks on a daily basis, which minimizes the effectiveness of lip reading for deaf people.

One day, Hollie invites Cherry to hang out. Miscommunication and misunderstanding arise due to the failure of lip reading. Since then, Cherry has been hiding away from Hollie, absent from all the gatherings and stops replying to her messages. Their friendship freezes during the pandemic. Will Cherry eventually unmask herself, reveal her secret life without sound, and reconcile with Hollie?



Full Film:

Post-Credit Scenes:

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Student films reflect only their authors’ own opinions and are not endorsed by the course instructor and the university.